Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Teaching is lonely

It's weird. I am surrounded by kids all day long, yet I feel completely alone most of the time. I don't talk to any other adults during the day. I see adults in the hallways during bathroom breaks, but the most we exchange is "hi." At lunch and planning, I am usually scrambling to get something done, especially when I have recess duty. Even on the weekends when I am lesson planning, I rarely am working with anyone else. Yes, I often get ideas from other teachers. However, there are so many lesson plans each week that most of it is just me, making up things as I go along.


ELynn said...
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ELynn said...

i love you!

ELynn said...

No need to be lonely, Nicole. You're never alone no matter how lonely you feel. I'm just a phone call away and God is always right there with you.