Sunday, May 20, 2007

Senselesss complaining

I know there's no point. But if you don't think you really want to be a teacher long - term, it is not a good idea to try and be a teacher short - term just to support a cause. It's too hard to spend all of your time doing something you don't enjoy. I'm complaining because I want to have hobbies again! I want to do anything else but lesson plan on the weekends. I hate lesson planning! I want to not feel stressed every time I go out and do something that isn't related to school. But unfortunately, I think everyone feels that way. Life is a lot of hard work and work is not always fun. There are tedious parts of every job. I don't really know where all this is going except to say sometimes it is really really hard to stay motivated. So much of my free time seems to be me forcing myself to do things I know I must do if my classroom is to remain functional at all.

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